providing hope

Our Therapeutic

Levels System

We use our levels system to teach our kiddos that they have a voice, and their choices are powerful. As they stabilize and feel safe, their behavior begins to improve, and as their behavior improves, their privileges expand! Each level is marked by a color that represents new privileges, and as they level up, we celebrate their victories with them!


When children come to us, it means they have had an extremely tumultuous, unstable, and painful journey. During the red level or the orientation stage, each child is strongly supported while they adjust and stabilize on their own timeline.

Skill Building & Deinstitutionalization

At the yellow level, our kiddos are supported as they develop new skills and learn new things in order to instill the confidence necessary to spark hope and create a desire for success. Organic daily living, routines, and relationships are the building blocks of this phase. Our children are also provided with rich, meaningful individual and group therapies.

Independence & Community Reintegration

After achieving stabilization, processing existing traumas through counseling, and building the self-regulation skills, our youth are reintegrated into the community through the vehicle of a family! Some are adopted, some are reunified, and some enter the guardianship of a family. Like all of our treatment plans, this process is highly individualized and based upon the age, ability, and future plans of the resident.

Wraparound Services

Care Portal is a platform created to connect individuals and churches to children and families in need. Needs in your area are posted on Care Portal, which you can respond to–helping families in one of nine ways:

Improving a child’s well-being
Creating online courses and in-person conferences to train caregivers in the HOP model.
Supporting a youth aging out of foster care
Helping prevent a child from entering care
Helping preserve a foster/kinship placement
Helping preserve an adoptive placement
Helping reunify a biological family
Helping place a child in foster/kinship care
Helping unite a child with an adoptive family
Supporting Successful Adoptions

Children adopted from institutions see the highest rate of failed adoptions. We are stepping in to change that. While we design our model to ease the transition from institution to family as much as possible, providing additional support after the child has gone home with their family gives them the best chance at success!

Tier 1 Support

In Tier 1, we are in the home weekly and make face-to-face contact with the family, offering supportive interactions that assist with attachment and stabilization. We offer assistance with navigating the medication reviews and refills, assistance with finding the right therapy services, and providing social and emotional support by celebrating any wins with the family (concerts, new school events, sport teams, etc.). This softens the transition and maintains the connections the child made while at HOP.

Tier 2 Support

In Tier 2, we provide the same therapeutic and psychiatric services available in Tier 1, while also responding to and aiding with crisis intervention for the family. These remain in place for at minimum 6 months after adoption, until the family deems it unnecessary.

Until every child has a home

We exist to instill hope in children who have only known the intense instability of foster care by emulating the unconditional love of a healthy family to them.

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